By Appointment Only
E. Ralph Morgan of Morgan Gemological Services has more than 32 years in Gemological consulting and appraising for Insurance Replacement, Fair Market Valuations, and equitable distribution both Domestic and International.
30 plus years in Maritime services in diving and land search and procurement of precious metals and gemstones.
Master Gemologist Appraiser, A.S.A. Consultant and Consumer advocate.
Accredited Senior Gemologist, Accredited Gemologists Association 1990.
Member American Society of Jewelry Historians 1999.
U.S.P.A.P. Courses 2015, 2017, 2020, 2022. Updates reviewed and approved by the Appraisal Foundation Standard's Board as the source of Appraisal standards and Appraiser Qualifications and authorized by Congress.
American Society or Appraisers Principals of Valuation POV-1through POV4 2015.
Accredited Senior Appraiser Gems and Jewelry, A.S.A. 2017.
Master Gemologist Appraiser, A.S.A. 2017 Specializing in Rare Antique Ruby and Sapphire Jewelry
Certified Accredited Gemologists Association
Certified Gemological Lab #53

Fair Market Value and Equitable Distribution
We’ll provide you with all the information you need to get the most value out of your assets. We are firm in our belief that it’s important that you understand the actual worth of your property. To learn more about our Consulting services, please contact us today and schedule an appointment.
Man's vintage Rolex Submariner watch
Through a global network of fellow gemologists, field specialists, and business associates, I can locate the stone you desire and arrange for its delivery, or even travel in person to insure its quality and safety.
E. Ralph Morgan, G.G., A.G.A., M.G.A., A.S.A.
What makes one gem worth several thousands of dollars and a seemingly comparable stone in size and color nearly worthless? In one word…..rarity. Along with rarity comes authenticity and quality. Is the mine where this particular gem was found still producing? If so, are they now "treating" the gems, as in the case of the oiling of emeralds, the heating of sapphire and ruby and the irradiation and fracture filling of diamonds? A Graduate Gemologist with a great deal of experience and expertise is the only one able to answer these questions and then only if given the appropriate time and equipment to authenticate the substance in question. Knowing how to simply identify the species (sapphire, emerald, diamond, etc.) is not sufficient for the determination of value. Size of the gem, color saturation, purity (clarity) of visual appeal and apparent damage are all considerations to be made in the overall evaluation process.
Through the lens of the microscope a ballet of color unfolds to reveal the vibrant pastels of the various gem species. From the intense, vivid blue of a fine Kashmir sapphire to the faint hues of an Australian opal, inclusions and host minerals revealed indicate positive identification of certain gemstone localities throughout the world. A single microscopic inclusion can make known the geologic birthplace of a fine emerald or sapphire, that, with proper documentation, may command an increased dollar amount for that stone. Many gems possess identifying characteristics, termed “inclusions,” common to only one specific geologic location. Recent increased demand for some of the finer stones and antique pieces held in vaults and private estates command higher prices.
When a gem set in a very old piece of jewelry is abraded and the transparency of the top of the stone is obstructed, removal and testing of the gem is imperative. This is usually accomplished in front of the client when the stone is measured and weighed.
Since the first synthetic gemstone was produced at the 1890's by French chemist Auguste Verneuil, many gems have been synthesized and used in all forms of jewelry, from the fine old platinum pieces to the more common solitary style of modern rings, pendants and the like. Inclusions play a major role in identifying synthetic gems from natural ones.
In a gemologist’s world, thousands of dollars can easily hang in the balance in the identification process. As synthetic materials utilized for gem production become more sophisticated and known gem deposits of finer, naturally occurring stones become depleted, with new sources being found, an extensive working knowledge of gemstone characteristics becomes most important to accurate evaluation.
In gemology, we must have conclusive evidence of a gemstone's nature proven through, most frequently, a battery of tests. Use of the spectrum of light forced through a loose yellow diamond enables us, through spectrographic analysis, to determine if the "Canary Yellow" diamond is a very rare, naturally occurring gem or a below average, yellowish diamond treated in a nuclear reactor to enhance the depth of yellow. What may occur as a fine, intense blue sapphire could easily have been a near colorless stone heated in a blast furnace environment to force the ions of titanium and iron to heighten the hues which naturally color the sapphire. Pearls are sometimes dyed to improve their color as are a number of other gem species including lapis lazuli, jade and opal.
One of the most important tasks of the gemologist is to identify treatments which may have been used to modify the color or appearance of a gemstone being examined. Gemstone treatment dates as far back as Roman times when Pliny became the first author to mention the gem enhancement process in the 37-volume work entitled Natural History of C. Pliny. In volume 37, chapter 75. page 195 he is quoted as having written the following: "To tell the truth, there is no fraud or deceit in the world which yields greater gain and profit than that of counterfeiting gems.” The process of dyeing, heating, foil backing (to reflect more light) and assembling various materials to imitate a superior quality gem or simple create an entirely different gem substance has been around since Jesus of Nazareth was born. Not until the advent of the microscope, the spectroscope and varied other modern gemological detecting devices has man been able to reliably detect the myriad of gem enhancement processes and then only with extensive gemological training and the handling of literally thousands of gemstones.
Technical familiarity with an array of gemstones and their wholesale prices is only a part of the gem trade. When wishing to sell, broker or consign an item of precious stones or jewelry, engaging a gemologist with a thorough knowledge of regional and international markets is essential. An experienced gemologist will have close business associations with knowledgeable, reputable people within those markets who can readily purchase an item. The auction market is another venue to consider when selling an item of jewelry, though it is not always the most beneficial for the individual wishing to turn the highest profit on an item of family or estate jewelry.
When seeking advice and knowledge regarding potentially precious items of jewelry or loose gemstones, ask as many questions as possible and secure the most accomplished person available.
Beyond all else, enjoy yourself, as this is a most fascinating world!
G.G., A.G.A., M.G.A., A.S.A.
I am a Master Gemologist Appraiser, A.S.A., buyer and seller of fine gems, photojournalist, speaker, and international gemstone consultant. The primary focus of my business is the purchasing of estate jewelry and fine loose gem stones. I have particular expertise and experience in the buying and selling of fine sapphires and fancy colored diamonds.
I have extensive field experience purchasing rough diamonds in Venezuela; emerald, lapis lazuli and pink topaz in Pakistan and Afghanistan;
and fine blue and fancy colored sapphires in Sri Lanka.
Additionally, I studied at the Brooks Institute of Photography and operated as a photo intelligence specialist in the US NAVY.
I have received advanced military training, and have extensive experience with information gathering and survival.
Such skills make me particularly well suited for international travel and procurement of hard to find gem stones.

Get in touch to learn more about appraisal services, acquisitions, gem lab utilization, speaking engagements, or other services. How can we assist you?